
This chapter contains the following topics:

Entering Warehouses

Printing Warehouse Lists


Entering Warehouses

If you are not using multi-warehousing, skip this chapter entirely, as the Warehouses selection will not be available.

If you selected multi-warehousing in I/C Control information, use this selection to designate valid warehouses. When using I/C, you can make entries only for warehouses that are defined here.

This chapter describes how to set up multiple warehouses.


Warehouses from the Master Information menu.

Graphical Mode

The following screen displays:

Warehouse List Box

The list box displays up to 6 existing warehouses at a time. You may sort the warehouses by warehouse code in ascending or descending order. Only column names in red may be sorted. To select a field or change the sort order, click on the column name or the arrow to the right of the column name or use the View options.

To locate a warehouse, start typing the warehouse code. You may also use the up/down arrows, Page up, Page down, Home and End keys to locate a checking account. The <F1> and <SF1> keys function the same as the up/down arrow keys.

Warehouses that display in the list box are available for changes or deletion.

The fields for the warehouse selected in the list box display in the lower part of the screen.

Warehouse Buttons

The buttons provide the following:

Button Keyboard Description



To enter a new warehouse



To edit an existing warehouse



To save a new warehouse or changes to an existing warehouse



To save a new warehouse and start entering a new one



To delete an existing warehouse. It does the same as the <F3> key



To stop entering a new warehouse or stop editing an existing warehouse without saving the changes



To exit the screen to the menu

Character Mode

The following screen displays:

You may use one of the character mode options:


To scan through the warehouses


To scan through previous warehouses


To delete an existing warehouse

Warehouse code


Enter a warehouse code, or in character mode use the option:


To designate this warehouse as the “Central” warehouse


To scan through the warehouses


If you designate a “Central” warehouse, you are able to default to it by pressing <Enter> during many I/C selections. Otherwise, you have to enter a warehouse code in those selections.

Warehouse name

Enter a name that describes the warehouse.

Address lines 1 - 5

Enter the address lines for the warehouse. The first line of the address is usually your company name.


Enter information for a second warehouse as shown on the screen below, so that you will have a second warehouse to transfer items into in a later example.

Printing Warehouse Lists


Warehouses from the Reports, master info menu.

The Printer Selection screen will be displayed. Select the printer that you want use for this list, elect to print the Warehouse List to disk or display on your screen.

All warehouses will be printed on the Warehouse List.